Happy New Year! I hope you and yours had a memorable one. I know I certainly did with my sisters and nieces in London.
As for writing, I’m looking forward to Explosive making a mass market re-release this February. If you haven’t read this intense, erotic suspense, give it a try when you see the pretty gold cover online or at your local store!
I’m really excited about the next book in the Because You Are Mine series coming out on May 6. It’s called SINCE I SAW YOU. You may have read the excerpt for it at the end of BECAUSE WE BELONG? It’s Kam’s and Lin’s story. I had such a terrific time with this beauty and the beast type scenario–Kam is a brilliant inventor who is so rough around the edges it’s comical at times, but the refined, ultra-elegant Lin can’t help but be drawn to his primal, raw sexuality and honesty. They are a favorite couple to be sure. If you read on Kindle, right now Amazon has the entire series marked down to 7.99 per novel, including SINCE I SAW YOU on preorder. Hope you’ll check out the series if you haven’t thus far here. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AMOOD8Y The order of the series is BECAUSE YOU ARE MINE, the complete novel, WHEN I’M WITH YOU, the complete novel, BECAUSE WE BELONG and SINCE I SAW YOU, out May 6.
In other news, I’ll hopefully be doing cover reveals and blurbs soon for my super sexy, exciting new serial called THE AFFAIR, which comes out in September into October. Stay tuned for more!
As for current projects, I’m working on a book called ONLY FOR YOU, which is the next novel in the ONE NIGHT OF PASSION series. Remember Exposed to You’s heroine, Joy Hightower’s rugged, sexy uncle Seth, the brilliant special effects artist? Well this is his story. Plans are currently for it to come out in December of this year, and I’m working feverishly to make that happen.
I think that’ll be enough to keep me busy this year, along with several conventions–RT in New Orleans, RWA in San Antonio, Edinburgh and London, too! Click on the event to get more details, times and dates. More on the London multi-author Headline signing to come!
Hope you’re excited about your 2014 and that it’s a wonderful one!